

for the love of food, culture and travel.


Long Xuyen, Vietnam

Sunday, December 30, 2007 - - 0 Comments

30 December : Luscious Long Xuyen

Half Day with Q's Dads' Family


We left G's family after lunch and made our way to Long Xuyen for a quick visit to my dad's family before heading back to the city. Always great to see Granny again.

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Chau Doc, Vietnam

Saturday, December 29, 2007 - - 0 Comments

29 - 30 December : Borderline in Chau Doc

Accommodation: G's Grandmas' House


We met up with G's mom and cousin and drove 6 hours to Chau Doc where his mom's side of the family reside. He certainly doesn't get his looks from his dad's side. Check out the resemblance in the family picture!

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Ben Tre - Vietnam

Friday, December 28, 2007 - - 0 Comments

27 December : The River Bend

Half Day Tour of Mekong River

My uncle Duc and cousin Bi took us on a half day boat tour of the Mekong River where we enjoyed fresh honey straight from the comb, rattle with snakes and taste some exotic fruits. G even learned how labor intensive it is to make coconut candy.

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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Thursday, December 27, 2007 - - 0 Comments

24 - 26, 28 December : Ho Chi Minh City

Feeling Right At Home

The feeling you get when you first step foot on Vietnam soil-- the sight, the sound, the smell, of the place-- immediately let's you know that you're in for a ride that is both remarkable and utterly worldly.
There is nothing better than family hospitality and in our case, we've got some of the best family, distant or near, around. These next few blogs are going to be short and brief; we'll let the pictures speak for itself. One thing to know about Vietnam is that it is becoming more and more travel friendly and easy to get around. The newly renovated airport re
flects the advancement the country is making to accommodate the current growth in tourism.
For us, this trip is about spending time with friends and families and soaking in the culture. Since neither of us were born here, we both have a sense of urgency to reconnect with our "home". On a lighter note, it's mostly all about the food! I don't think neither of us have ever had this much food in our lives. Lucky for us, Vietnam boast some of the most delicious, at times bizarre, cuisine in the world. Here, it is best to go with the locals. Suggestion-- Go for the one with the longest lines; the biggest crowd. You really can't go wrong. Happy eating!

Sleeping: Q's Grandmas' 4- story house.
Eating: Breakfast- banh mi op la (as seen above). A bonus-- get it with a side of pate and mini steak.

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Vietnam & Thailand

Saturday, December 1, 2007 - - 0 Comments

24 Dec - 4 Jan 2008 : Asia


Hi Family & Friends

We're a bit sad we won't be here to celebrate Christmas and ring in the New Year with everyone. However equally excited to experience the holidays in Vietnam and Thailand. It'll be G's first time back to visit his family he's never met along with some of mine. Below is a briefing of what we'll be up to while we're there.

24 - 26, 28, 31 - 1 December : Ho Chi Minh City
We're celebrating Christmas, attending a traditional Vietnamese wedding and ringing in the New Year-- in true Vietnamese style!

27 December : Ben Tre
A boat ride down the Mekong River and a visit to a coconut candy factory.

29 - 30 December : Chau Doc
A visit to G's Grandma and family on his mother's side.

30 December : Long Xuyen
Visiting Q's Grandma and family on her father's side.

1 - 4 January : Bangkok
Our days are packed with tours such as the Floating Market. We're also going to do some serious shopping and, of course, eating.

Great Exumas - Bahamas

Thursday, November 8, 2007 - - 0 Comments

4 - 6 November : Exhausted Exuma

Hurricane & Flooding


So Hurricane Noel rained on our parade. Even though Nassau was left unharmed, the Exumas was a completely different story. Apparently, everyone that was suppose to be on the trip back home were notified of the cancellation of the trip, but since we were in the Bahamas already and had no internet or phone access, we did not get the message. So we boarded our flight to the Exumas and was completely flabbergasted. The entire island was practically under water. Once at the Four Season, we were given the news that the trip wa
s canceled. There were 4 others who made it to the Exumas as part of the Palm group, the two event planners and a couple from Brazil. Still shocked, we couldn't believe our trip was cut short. We did stay the night so we intend to get the full Four Seasons treatment. We ordered room service-- burger and fries! By far the best fries ever.. EVER!
ince the water was contaminated we couldn't swim at all. Instead, we walked the Four Seasons ground and it was both romantic and eerie being the only ones there. We're so glad we decided to come out early because we did get to have our Bahamas experience after all.

Check out this view from our bus ride to the Four Seasons. We had to take a bus because it was the only mode of transportation that can drive through the flood waters.

What's better, everyone, including us, received a cash value in lieu of the trip since it was canceled for good. So not only did we get our Bahamian paradise trip but we also got paid out. How much you ask? Let's just say we're taking a 12 day Mediterranean cruise in 2009. All was not lost.

Sleeping: Four Seasons at Emerald Bay, Queen's Highway, tel: 242 336 6800.

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